Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I am searching for a topic for a research paper special education?

I need to write a prospectus for any kind of research. I am interested in a topic relating to treatment of gifted students in elementary school.

I am searching for a topic for a research paper special education?
There are many interesting topics related to gifted students.

1. The standards for gifted status vary from state to state. A child may be identified under one state's criteria, but another state may not identify him as gifted.

2. The standards for minority and/or low income children vary from those of other children. In our county (I don't know if this is state, district, or country wide) minority students don't have to score as high on IQ tests as non-minority students.

3. The over/under identification of certain gender/racial groups and how that is being handled.

4. The programs available to children identified as gifted are very different from school to school and county to county.

5. Gifted students have a very high rate of dropping out of school. You could look at rates, reasons, do a long term study following a certain group of kids to see what happens to them.

6. How are giften children treated by their teachers and peers? How does the child with the 140 IQ feel as he sits in class with the special needs child with a 60 IQ? (And now, with the push towards inclusion, it happens quite often and can be frustrating for both students.)

7. What special problems do gifted students have? Do they have problems with peers/teachers?

8. Are there common disabilities comorbid with being gifted?

9. Invstigate the differences between students at the high end of the gifted spectrum and low end of the gifted spectrum. How do they compare to students whose IQ didn't qualify them, but who qualified under alternative criteria? How do their performances - academic, behavioral - differ? What about the differences between girls and boys?

Good luck!
Reply:my little sister is autistic. go to http://www.autism.com
Reply:I have a gifted brother and an autistic brother. In elemetary school my gifted brother was looked down on by the teacher. He was smarter than she was and he "asked too many questions". They had to put him in a special school for gifted kids. He graduated from high school at 15.

My autistic brother is in special ed. In his class is a boy who is gifted and autistic. No one knows how to treat him and how to act around him. It is sad.
Reply:Try researching Differentiated Instruction. It applies to all levels of learning, but is especially appropriate for Talented and Gifted students.
Reply:You know...I heard that there is a great deal of legislation being presented this year regarding the gifted...

Many critics of the No Child Left Behind policies in our schools are stating that the gifted child IS left behind because teachers are teaching to the "standards" and "tests" rather than the child as a whole.

I think a wonderful topic would be to take a non-biased approach to the issues regarding public schools and how they respond to those students who are special by means of being "gifted" in one or more areas.

teeth sundance

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