Thursday, August 19, 2010

Can some give me websites I can cite for a research/debate paper on gay marriage?

I have a research/debate paper on gay marriage. I'm taking the side AGAINST it. I just need 5 good websites that I can cite on my works cited page please.

This has nothing to do with my personal beliefs. I just got assigned this topic.

Can some give me websites I can cite for a research/debate paper on gay marriage?
I assumed that you wanted websites that presented the "arguments" against gay marriage. As difficult as it was to do, I have provided several. The 3 entries that close the list provide a bit of balance.

"Gay Marriage: The Complete Debate: News, opinions, and resources related to the same-sex marriage debate." [against gay marriage]

"THE SECULAR CASE AGAINST GAY MARRIAGE," by Adam Kolasinksi [against gay marriage]

"Biblical Arguments Against Gay Marriage," by Pastor Jim Feeney, Ph.D. [against gay marriage]

"Case Against Same-Sex Marriage," Maggie Gallagher, president , Institute for Marriage %26amp; Public Policy [against gay marriage]

"The Case Against Same-Sex Marriage: The marriage Revolution would Effectively Destroy Matrimony," by Tim Leslie [against gay marriage]

"Why 'Gay Marriage' Is Wrong," by Robert A. J. Gagnon, Ph.D. [against gay marriage]

"Gay Marriage’ Is Not Only Wrong; It’s Socially Destructive," by Robert Knight [Concerned Women for America]

"What's wrong with 'gay' marriage," by Joseph Farah [against gay marriage]

"Why Legalized Same Sex Marriage Is Wrong" [against gay marriage]

"Should Same-Sex Marriages be Legalized?"

"Gay Marriage"; "Special Report: The Same-Sex Marriage Debate"; "Pew Forum Resources on Gay Marriage"

"Gay Marriage: The Arguments and the Motives," by Scott Bidstrup
Reply:Homosexuality is not natural.

Gives 12 reasons why gays shouldn't marry.

Google it you will get a ton! These too are good ones.
Reply:ok..thank god that you don't believe in gay marriage, but honestly i don't research it so i couldnh't give you any websites, sorry:)
Reply:Good for you, although I don't have a website, I also believe it is wrong and unnatural. I mean penis to penis .... ewwww !

Do your assignments yourself jeez!
Reply:google it hun

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