Sunday, August 22, 2010

I need a good ending for a research paper on anorexia?

I am doing a college english research paper on anorexia, i need suggestions on how to end it(I'm looking for a bit more length about a half page) I just talked about what it is, why people get it, warning signs,treatment, how many people suffer, statistics.... Help please !! :) thank you

I need a good ending for a research paper on anorexia?
If youhave not already summarized your findings, do what you did in your question. Restate your main points in a "so you see" fashion. Perhaps explain who would need this information, how this information would be helpful and important. Or suggest there needs to be more research done on this topic, for example.
Reply:A good ending? Why not talk about treatment? Perhaps mention positive or negative statistics. Maybe finish writing this paper, then go out and eat a whole cake by yourself to make yourself feel better.

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