Thursday, August 19, 2010

I need some ideas for a research paper on history of cartoons?

i have about 6 questions for a research paper if u could give me 4 more i need to have 10 question on a 7 page research paper due monday just the notes id like some help if u post ur ideas here or u can add me as a contact and we email and message and other things maybe be even friends just post,email,or add me as a contac any will do just fine thanks for reading and posting!

I need some ideas for a research paper on history of cartoons?
Possible questions and websites:

1. How have cartoons influenced how people think? (satirizing politics, society, political propaganda to gain votes)

2. How have cartoons evolved since the rennaissence? (see above link)

3. What are the most popular cartoons in the history of the U.S.?

4. How did animation change the impact of cartoons?

5. Who are some of the most prominent cartoonists and what cartoons did they create?

6. What kind of changes made animated cartoons more economical?

7. What were some of the early black and white TV cartoons? Color?

8. What were the first animated cartoon movies?

9. What cartoons did not depend on dialog? (Roadrunner, for one)

10. How has the commercial aspect affected the cartoon industry? (commercials on Sat. morning, for example, aimed at children)
Reply:The site I posted gives some info about the history of cartoons...but it would help if you were able to be specific about the type or style: there's political cartoons which is a completely different genre from say, animated cartoons. And of course, political cartoons have been around quite a bit longer. But if you're just going for questions, then maybe you ask people to compare and contrast the different type/styles of cartoons. Because we don't know what your particular research paper is about, it will be difficult to ask other questions based on what you've written. Maybe you could clarify a bit more...?

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