I have to write a paper about technology and science and it seems to be just fact after fact that i'm listing. How can i weave my personality into the essay?
How can i make a research paper sound more like "me" instead of listing fact after fact?
Use figurative language. That is similes, metaphors, personification, etc. For example: If the fact is the earth is rotating all the time, you could say: The earth is always spinning like a child spinning a top across the table. To put your personality in it, make your figurative language things you like!
Reply:By doing as much "retelling" as possible. But be careful to still cite sources. It also helps if you truly understand your topic. Many kids don't -- they just string together a bunch of facts and plop intro and concluding paragraphs on them.
Reply:Science papers are full of facts and to the point. Nevertheless, your paper needs to tell a story. For example, if you are doing a report about fuel cells you might start by talking about what fuel cells are then talk about modern research then talk about your project and its significance. However, this is to be done using bland, short sentences. A science paper is not supposed to sound like you. It is not that type of writing. Don't use figurative language or colorful words, it will make your paper sound less professional. Even in your discussion and conclusion, you need to be as boring as possible. It's not fun, but that's life ;)
EDIT: On the contrary to what the previous answerer said, it is an absolute NO to use flavorful similes. Doing so will ruin the credibility of your work.
Reply:Research papers are kind of about listing facts, but you can show your personality in the discussion sections, and also in the introduction and Closing. So leave a paragraph for you to discuss what you found and that should be plenty.
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