Monday, July 12, 2010

I need help finding a research paper topic?

I'm a high school freshman and has been assigned to do a research paper. I want to find how to become a surgeon but I think it may be to big of a topic. Its supposed to be sort of a I-search paper so I have to ask a question. PLEASE help.

I need help finding a research paper topic?
The best help for you would to get more specific with your topic.

What kind of surgeon? Vascular (heart), Brain, Spinal, Orthopedic, Pediatric, Geriatric???

Then to research it, you should log into a medical school, like

John Hopkins, Harvard, Yale...etc.
Reply:Why is that too big a topic? Narrow it down some. Maybe look at some great surgeons in history, or talk to some in the neighborhood?
Reply:look up surgeon school, look up qualification, training, then look up people in the field that have made contributions, history and present, present your own input on some common procedure, and finish with a home made pipe bomb.

leave the pipe bomb out and your presentation should be good.
Reply:I would suggest to you to go to one or two hospital in your area and speak with the hospital administrator. Explain to him/her about your research paper that you're doing "How to become a Surgeon". That you would like to interview few member of his staff (surgeon) on your topic. This way you can get it first hand on what they went through, face, and other problems a surgeon have to deal with in their field. I hope this help, good luck with your paper. It sound interesting....
Reply:you can do a research paper on the differences between the health care system in the US and government-run health care system in Canada.
Reply:What is it like to go to medical school?
Reply:Narrow it down. How about researching the requirements for medical school?
Reply:magnetism ... it fascinates a lot of people, has unlimited potential in all kinds of fields (like the medical field), and would be relatively easy to research.
Reply:What type of surgeon?... There are so many- for ex. if you reply "heart surgeon"- go to that topic on your computer or at your local library and start studying what the heart is, does,the setup, functions, problems, etc. You have to study the basics and then proceed from there. You can do what I did and each time you look into different aspects of this write a full report. Then place it in a binder and keep adding your reports. After several assignments you will have not only done alot of reports- also a lot of research- a lot of background into something you are truly interested in and you can narrow down what interests you the most!

Good luck and best wishes to you!
Reply:You could do a health related question such as:

"What are some of the risk factors thought to contribute to SIDS?"


"What is the difference between Alzheimers disease and Dementia?


"Has Fluoride in drinking water helped to decrease tooth decay?"

Hope these suggestions are helpful.
Reply:thats too hard. you should do it on global warming or something easy like pollution. something easy with a lot of information on it
Reply:have you tried it is a really cool website with all of these research papers. for free!!!
Reply:I'm having difficulty understanding what you mean by I-seach.

I think how to become a surgeon is a fine topic, you could make it specific regarding the kind of surgeon if you want to (it would probably be a good idea.)

Don't - DON'T - download a research paper off the internet. Your teacher knows how you write and you'll get caught. Most teachers consider this cheating and will give you a failing grade.

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