Tuesday, July 20, 2010

I need a question for my research paper about Factory Farming?

I'm doing my 8th grade research paper, and my topic is something to do with factory farming (the animal cruelty). I need a question like: 'How has factory farming affected...', 'What are the effects of...'; and I can't come up with a question. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!

I need a question for my research paper about Factory Farming?
What are the harmful affects to animals due to factorin farming?

Factory farming strives to maximize output while minimizing costs. Animals such as cows, pigs and other animals are kept in small cages, they are deprived of exercise. I hope this helps!
Reply:It sounds like you have some good questions all ready. Pick one that you feel that you can best answer. "How has factory farming affected the treatment of animals?" "What is the link between animal cruelty and factory farming." "How do factory farms make sure they treat the animals humanely?"

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