The topic is...Music Violence: The affect it has on the children of today.
If you could just write the whole 8 pages research paper for me that would be great lol...but seriously!!!
What is a excellent thesis statement for a research paper with the topic...?
It's hard to come up with a good thesis statement if I don't know your views on the subject but you first you come up with a question like: "How can violence in music affect behavior in the children of today?" or "Does violence in music affect the children of today?" The thesis statement would answer this question. I would say something like: "Violence in music has an affect on children of today because children tend to emulate the behavior of their role models." That's probably not the best thesis statement I could come up with but its the best I can do without more info to go on. Good luck. It really should be a fun paper to write.
Reply:A thesis statement should be in the form of a bold assertion that takes a particular position. First, you have to determine what your position is going to be regarding the effects of violent lyrics in music. Second, you will have to make sure that your research supports your position. Here are some possible variations of thesis statements:
"Lyrics advocating violence adversely impact the psyche of young adults resulting in a systematic decay of society."
"No definitive studies exists which demonstrate that violent lyrics alone cause children to act more violently toward others."
The point is that you can go in any direction you want based on your particular thesis statement. It may be better for you to research the subject matter first and then reach a conclusion that you can support based on your research.
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