Research paper on applications of trigonometry in real life.
What are some possible research paper topic in trigonometry?
For what level?
The simplest one, of course, is determining the height of an object with a sextant or similar device (protractor and a piece o' string with a weight on the end works pretty darn well).
Trig functions have applications all over, especially in analysis. Fourier analysis is the analysis of modular functions, and can be used to decompose any modular function into a sum of sines with periods dividing the period of the function you have. This is a powerful tool for the analysis of sound waves; in fact, I did a research project my sophomore year of high school where I used a Fourier transform to analyze instruments. While that is analysis, it is an application of trig functions. You might want to take a look at that.
I can't really think of any other good ones. It applies in a lot of physics problems where you have to calculate forces acting at an angle to a surface. For example, if you want to calculate the force normal to the plane exerted on a mass on that plane, you need trig.
Here's a physics problem that has quite a few trig functions required in analyzing it:
Two balls placed in a groove on an inclined plane sometimes do not roll down. Analyze the requirements on the angle of the plane and on the balls necessary for this to occur.
I would have to say, though, that racing around curves is more a physics problem, and probably does not require much trig, although the development of the physics might have required that somewhat. All the forces are either in the direction of the car's movement or in the direction normal to the car's movement.
Reply:Drag racing! Calculating how fast to enter a curve and where to start speeding back up again.
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