I have all of this information, quotes, and half written paragraphs in like a bunch of word documents. What I really need to do is collect it all, organize it and make it all flow together. Any suggestions? I'm writing a research paper on Hamlet and I'm including lots of critiques by other people.
Best way to organize a research paper?
my suggestion is to write down all of your information, quotes, etc. into a notebook; after this is done put page numbers and source information next to each piece of research. (so citations are done easier) Next, it seems that you don't have your thoughts fully developed. Sit and take the time to make a simple outline. Maybe devote a section of your paper to announcing what you plan to analyze, followed by the pieces you are analyzing, then others critiques, and finally your own ideas (really the most important part because of the thesis) From personal experience, once I have an outline, the paper really flows. I then arrnage my research in order of the places they will be in my paper in a notebook. Writing it then becomes a breeze and takes very little time. Hope this helps and best of luck!!
Reply:Start with a outline. What is your thesis...your whole purpose for writing this paper? What is the point of view you have taken? Then build your case point by point. Once you've done that, put the quotes and information under the points they best support. Finish it all with a good summary.
Reply:make an "outline" kind of rubric for yourself
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