Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Has anyone ever successfully written a research paper in one night?

So of course it's finals week, the time when everything is due and i have one day to finsih a research paper...actually i'm down to one night it is do tomorrow at 2:30 (it's 8pm now).

I'm just wondering who else has had to do this and if you were successful...what grade did ya'll get??

Has anyone ever successfully written a research paper in one night?
two suggestions:

energy drinks


get off of distracting websites (like this and facebook or myspace...)
Reply:Just about every time...I work best under pressure.
Reply:I have and I got an A on it.
Reply:I have and I got an A on it :)
Reply:h aha hahahahahh hell yea i did...i totally b/sed one paper and i got a b on it
Reply:you can write a bad research paper in one night. since there is less time for researching!

Eye pencil

What is a good topic to write a research paper on?

I am looking to write a final reseach paper before i finish school and am looking for a good topic. I am burnt out and need any ideas that you might have!

What is a good topic to write a research paper on?
Reply:It would help to know what your passions are but here goes.

The 70% depletion of amphibian life in Northwest Indiana due to wet land draining.

Cats getting the Avian Flu.

Most common mistakes made within the first two years of opening a new business.

The real estate bubble phenomonon.

Crop circles, myth or magnetics.

Commonality vs differences of the collective global spiritual beliefs.

If man hadn't chosen the dog and horse for domestication......LOL

Eric the Red's arrival in the new world. A tale seldom told.
Reply:Maybe 1 of 6 of King Henry VIII's wives. Got to http://tudorhistory.org/wives/ for more information.
Reply:Spontanious Human Combustion, handwriting analysis, Bigfoot, Loccness, Dreams, Forensic Biology, Tourettes syndrome, Dust mites, President Bush, animal behavior, plastic surgery, psoriasis, the Bird flu, dinosaurs, racism, Freud, earthworms, cockroaches, reproduction, cancer, AIDS, depression, Rain forests, early humans, evolution
Reply:I noticed you put your question under the Advertising %26amp; Marketing category. If that's the sort of thing that you're interested in, how about product placement in TV shows and it's affect in current advertising.
Reply:The cause ts of "Indian" (Native American) Boarding Schools and its effects today.
Reply:Write about the Bush presidency.
Reply:how about religion
Reply:affirmative action creating reverse desrcimination

Brainstorming is a technique used to come up with ideas. What you do is take an amount of time (say 10-30 minutes) and all you do is come up with ideas as fast as you can (it does not matter how stupid the idea is, you write first and think later) what happens is that after you "brainstorm" for this amount of time you will have at least a few ideas that might seem interesting. You then decide by elimination which ideas you are not interested in writing about.

When you are left with the one you are interested in then get right on it. You can even brainstorm again if you are not satisfied the first time around.
Reply:maybe presidents
Reply:Political figures

I need a question for my research paper about Factory Farming?

I'm doing my 8th grade research paper, and my topic is something to do with factory farming (the animal cruelty). I need a question like: 'How has factory farming affected...', 'What are the effects of...'; and I can't come up with a question. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!

I need a question for my research paper about Factory Farming?
What are the harmful affects to animals due to factorin farming?

Factory farming strives to maximize output while minimizing costs. Animals such as cows, pigs and other animals are kept in small cages, they are deprived of exercise. I hope this helps!
Reply:It sounds like you have some good questions all ready. Pick one that you feel that you can best answer. "How has factory farming affected the treatment of animals?" "What is the link between animal cruelty and factory farming." "How do factory farms make sure they treat the animals humanely?"

How do I incorporate a primary source into my research paper?

I'm doing a term paper on the Great Depression and I found historical writings that I'd like to pull information from, but how exactly do I actually use them in the text of my paper? Also, how should such a source be parenthetically cited?

How do I incorporate a primary source into my research paper?
You paraphrase the info you want to use from the source. At the end of that text list where it came from. E.G.: Author Name, pg. # (s) Then you list that source at the end of the report in the Bibliography.
Reply:The accuracy and objectiveness of primary sources is a constant concern for historians. Participants and eyewitnesses may misunderstand events or distort their reports (deliberately or unconsciously) to enhance their own image or importance. Such effects can increase over time, and historians pay special attention to memory problems and efforts by participants to recall the past according to their own script. Government reports may be censored or altered for propaganda or coverup purposes. Less frequently, later documents may be the more accurate, as for example when a death leaves survivors feeling more comfortable about telling embarrassing details.

Accurate history is based on primary sources, as evaluated by the community of scholars, who report their findings in books, articles and papers. Primary sources are often difficult to interpret and may have hidden challenges. Obsolete meanings of familiar words and social context are among the traps that await the newcomer to historical studies. For this reason, interpretation of some primary texts is best left to those with advanced college or postgraduate training, or advanced self-study or informal training.

A primary source is not, by default, more authoritative or accurate than a secondary source. Secondary sources often are subjected to peer review, are well documented, and are often produced through institutions where methodological accuracy is important to the future of the author's career and reputation. A primary source like a journal entry, at best, only reflects one person's take on events, which may or may not be truthful, accurate, or complete. Historians subject both primary and secondary sources to a high level of scrutiny.

As a general rule, however, modern historians prefer to go back to available primary sources and to seek new (in other words, forgotten or lost) ones. Primary sources, whether accurate or not, offer new input into historical questions and most modern history revolves around heavy use of archives and special collections for the purpose of finding useful primary sources. A work on history is not likely to be taken seriously as scholarship if it only cites secondary sources, as it does not indicate that original research has been done.

As to the manner of incorporation, why not simply attach a facsimile or xerox copy as an appendix? The exact details for doing so can be found in the intructional manuals for reports and papers by, say, Kate Turabian.

What 5 questions should a 15 page research paper on, "No Child Left Behind", answer?

The research topic is "No Child Left Behind: Should students with special needs be included in regular classes? I have to include 5 questions in my proposal that the research paper will answer. I will accept all teachers opinions, advice and help. Feel free to e-mail me if you want to help

What 5 questions should a 15 page research paper on, "No Child Left Behind", answer?
I would state if students with severe disabilities should be tested at all. If so, how? Some of the kids tested do not even respond to their name being called.

Also, how can parents be held accountable? Right now it's 100% of the school district with no parent responsibility. So if a student takes a week off during the exams or misses the introduction to fractions, it's the school's responsibility. No homework? No problem for No Child. Very unfair to the schools to raise someone's child.
Reply:Is the NCLB act working? bias

Is it fair? to expect the same from everyone including students who are cognitive delayed?

Is it fair to base all criteria on test results ? knowing some students do no respond good to testing.

NO child learns the same way and at the same rate? why not give them the chance to learn at their own rate? (capacity level)

Why does the NCLB act take unto consideration the fact that not all children come from happy families and that many students come to school with the sole purpose of eating (surviving). Can they learn if they hungry?

Each school has different needs and that's what we need to focus on.

shark tooth

Can someone write me my research paper?

Can some one write me a pro/con research paper for me?

Can someone write me my research paper?
does the violence in films and on TV contribute to violence in society?

This question has been debated for decades. During that time some 2,500 books and articles have been written on the effects of TV and film violence on human behavior.

In this article we're going to summarize some the latest thinking on this subject.

The results of one of the most extensive studies ever done on the subject of violence and TV were released in 2003.

Researchers followed 329 subjects over 15 years. They found that those who as children were exposed to violent TV shows were much more likely to later be convicted of crime. Researchers said that, "Media violence can affect any child from any family," regardless of social class or parenting.

Girls who watched more than an average amount of violence tended to throw things at their husbands. Boys who grew up watching violent TV shows were more likely to be violent with their wives.

Researchers concluded in Developmental Psychology that, "Every violent TV show increases a little-bit the likelihood of a child growing up to behave more aggressively."

We'll look at more of the research in a moment.

Canada was one of the first countries to extensively research this issue. The results of their studies prompted some of their engineers to devise the "V-Chip." As you may know, the V-Chip allows parents to lock out TV programming they consider objectionable to their children.

Although the concern in Canada was primarily violence (hence the V-chip), in the United States there is also great concern about sexual content -- probably more than in most other industrialized societies. Hence, the V-chip can be programmed to screen out both violence and sex.

The issue of sex, which has resulted in quite different research findings, is discussed here and here, so in this article we'll focus on the issue of film and TV violence.

Because ours is a puritanically-based society and we have problems with depictions of sex, we tend to eroticize violence.

For many people this creates an unfortunate, often even unconscious, link between sex and violence.

from "Sex Research, Censorship, and the Law"

Cause-Effect Proof

A number of studies done in the United States and Canada have shown a positive relationship between early exposure to TV violence and physical aggressiveness in later life.

Even so, a clear cause-effect relationship is complicated by the fact that children are typically exposed to many stimuli as they grow up, many of which could play a role in later behavior.

For example, during a child's life we can't discount the role of such things as violent video games, the social values of parents and peers, or general living conditions.

If you eat something that you have not tried before and immediately get sick, you will probably assume there's a direct relationship between the two.

And if at some later date you forget about your first experience and eat the same thing again, and immediately get sick again, you can be fairly sure that whatever you ate makes you sick.

No rocket science here, just clear cause and effect.

Unfortunately, the cause and effect in many other areas of life are not as readily apparent.

A few decades ago you would see doctors in TV commercials endorsing a particular brand of cigarettes. And many medical doctors smoked.

Not today.

Today the evidence is clear: smoking is the number one cause of preventable heath problems and premature death in the United States. Although for years the cigarette manufacturers suppressed evidence that linked smoking to health problems, eventually the cause-effect relationship became obvious to anyone who wanted investigate the facts.

Unlike the cause and effect in the example of your eating something and immediately getting sick, the effects of cigarette smoking aren't immediately apparent. It's only years later that many smokers develop lung cancer, heart problems, emphysema, sexual problems, etc.

In the same way-after looking at years of accumulated data-we're now recognizing a relationship between violence in the media and social problems. A summary of much of the research and its consequences can be found in the book, Visual Intelligence-Perception, Image, and Manipulation in Visual Communication, by Ann Marie Seward Barry.

The results of a study released in March, 2002 that tracked 700 male and female youths over a seventeen-year period showed a definite relationship between TV viewing habits and acts of aggression and crime in the later life.

All other possible contributing environmental elements, such as poverty, living in a violent neighborhood, and neglect, were factored out of this study.

According to one of the authors of the study, the findings help cement the link between TV and violence. The study is detailed in Science.

Violence and TV Ratings

It's well known that TV violence holds an attraction for most viewers and this attraction translates into ratings and profits. Because of this most media executives have been reluctant to admit that media violence is in any way responsible for violence in our society.

If it weren't for the ratings and profits involved, producers would undoubtedly be much more willing to acknowledge the harm in TV and film violence and do something about it.

Instead, we have such things as the American Medical Association finding that shows that in homes with premium cable channels, or a VCR or DVD...

...children typically witness 32,000 murders and 40,000 attempted murders by the time they reach the age of 18.

After many high school students died in a shooting rampage at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado in April, 1999, many people were quick to blame the media. Violent video games and a well-known film were seen as contributing factors.

Even so, millions of young people were exposed to both of these influences throughout their lives without going on a murderous rampage. But when you add extreme anger, easy access to guns, and an indifferent and amoral attitude toward the lives of others, the results can be very different.

In 1992, TV Guide commissioned a study of a typical 18-hour TV broadcast day to determine levels of violence. The networks and the more popular cable channels were monitored for "purposeful, overt, deliberate behavior involving physical force or weapons against other individuals."

There were 1,846 acts of violence that broke down this way.


471 promos for TV shows



221 toy commercials


music videos

123 commercials for films


TV dramas

69 news


tabloid reality shows

58 sitcoms


soap operas


In looking at the role of the broadcast outlets in the violence equation TV mogul Ted Turner said: "They're guilty of murder. We all are -- me too."

The Effects of TV and Film Violence

There are many problems in linking media violence to violence in society. First, as we've suggested, only a small percent of those who watch violence are responsible for violent acts.

Most of us are seemingly unaffected by it.

Even though we can't establish a simple, direct, cause-and-effect relationship between media violence and violence in our society, we can draw some conclusions from the data.

Studies show that people who watch a lot of TV violence not only behave more aggressively, but are more prone to hold attitudes that favor violence and aggression as a way of solving conflicts. These viewers also tend to be less trusting of people and more prone to see the world as a hostile place.

An extensive study in five Massachusetts communities found a relationship between viewing media violence and the acceptance of sexual assault, social violence, and even alcohol use.

Studies also show that media violence also has a desensitizing effect on viewers.

As a result, specific levels of violence become more acceptable over time. It then takes more and more graphic violence to shock (and hold) an audience.

History gives us many examples. To cite just one, the famous Roman Circuses started out being a rather tame form of entertainment. But in an effort to excite audiences, violence and rape were introduced in the arena settings. Subsequently, as audiences got used to seeing these things, they then demanded more and more, until the circuses eventually became violent, bloody and grotesque, and hundreds, if not thousands, of hapless people died in the process of providing "entertainment."

Next, media violence is typically unrealistic, simplistic, glorified, and even presented as humorous

The "bang, bang, you're dead" sanitized scenario that we so often see on TV or in films communicates nothing of the reality of death or dying.

It is only when we see death firsthand or have a loved one killed that we realize that death in film or on TV bears little resemblance to what we experience in real life.

. Even the sound of gunshots on TV and in films is so different from real gunshots that people often fail to recognize them in real life.

Next, the consequences of killing, especially by the "good guys," are seldom shown. Violence and killing are commonly depicted as a ready and even acceptable solution to problems. To put it simplistically, problems are solved when the "bad guys" are all dead.

The unrealistic element of TV and film violence seems to come as a surprise to some. A young gang member who was admitted to a New York ER after being shot seemed amazed to find that getting shot was not only traumatic but excruciatingly painful. He was blaming the doctors and nurses for his pain, since on TV getting shot didn't seem to be all that big of a deal.

A Historic Predispo
Reply:I would ,in all seriousness, consider doing so reliant upon the subject , if you will update your question it will give me a chance to to see whether it is within my area of expertise .

Good luck to you !

Reply:Sure. How much does it pay? My rent is due in a week and a half and I don't have a job that pays well enough to cover it this month.

Oops, that's because I didn't stick with my studies and finish college!
Reply:How do you expect to learn anything if you have other people do your work? Don't make plans on graduating from college if you can't write a pro/con paper.
Reply:yes, what is the paper on and then i may take it into consideration,
Reply:I wouldn't write you a whole research paper for only 10 pts! That's asking a lot for just yahoo answers LOL.
Reply:I'm not sure

How does my abstract of my research paper sound to you? 10 points?

There are those who actually act blind to the substantial threat that heart diseases pose. Some

people go about living their lives unafraid and unaware that any day can be their last day. They

eat and drink without remorse and without knowing whether or not what they are doing is

healthy to their own bodies. In the medical world, they encounter all kinds of heart conditions

and all kinds of patients having them. Although some individuals are becoming more aware of

the dangers of heart disease, most people lack basic knowledge regarding the prevention and

management of this serious medical condition.

A heart disease can be called by many terminologies. The processes and implications of a

heart disease can be quite complex, especially for those who are experiencing it whether as a

victim or someone related to the victim. It is therefore the purpose of this discussion to

comprehend why the heart disease contributes to almost half the deaths recorded in society. This

paper will begin by first explaining the basic understanding of what a heart disease is or how it

is generally perceived by individuals. Then, this paper will explain the most common causes

that may bring about heart diseases. Following this, the technology and modern techniques that

are used in a laboratory shall also be analyzed. Finally, this paper will illustrate some of the

conventional and known heart surgeries that are in practice today.

How does my abstract of my research paper sound to you? 10 points?
It sounds good but there are a few errors. You might want to check with your teacher or look over the assignment though...I think that an abstract is suppost to be only a paragraph long by APA standards.

(I edited it for you)

There are those who are blissfully unaware of the substantial threat that hear disease poses. Some people go about living their lives unafraid and unaware that any day can be their last day. They eat and drink without remorse and without consideration for their own health and well being. In the medical world, there are a variety of heart conditions. These conditions can be seen in all types of patients, irregardless of gender, race, age and nationality. Although the public is becoming more aware of the dangers of heart disease, many people still lack the basic knowledge regarding the prevention and management of this serious medical condition.

Heart disease can fall into many different categories. The diagnoses and treatment of heart disease can be quite complex. It is difficult not only for those diagnosed with it, but also for the patient's family and friends. It is therefore the purpose of this article to explain why heart disease contributes to almost half the deaths recorded in society(put your country instead of "society").

This paper will explain what a heart disease is and common beliefs held by individuals about heart disease. It will then explain the causes of heart disease, and modern techniques and technology tha is used to analyze and treat the disease. Finally, this paper will illustrate some of the conventional heart surgeries that are in practice today.
Reply:Sounds good to me.
Reply:wow can't wait to read the final paper sounds really cool

What is a excellent thesis statement for a research paper with the topic...?

The topic is...Music Violence: The affect it has on the children of today.

If you could just write the whole 8 pages research paper for me that would be great lol...but seriously!!!

What is a excellent thesis statement for a research paper with the topic...?
It's hard to come up with a good thesis statement if I don't know your views on the subject but you first you come up with a question like: "How can violence in music affect behavior in the children of today?" or "Does violence in music affect the children of today?" The thesis statement would answer this question. I would say something like: "Violence in music has an affect on children of today because children tend to emulate the behavior of their role models." That's probably not the best thesis statement I could come up with but its the best I can do without more info to go on. Good luck. It really should be a fun paper to write.
Reply:A thesis statement should be in the form of a bold assertion that takes a particular position. First, you have to determine what your position is going to be regarding the effects of violent lyrics in music. Second, you will have to make sure that your research supports your position. Here are some possible variations of thesis statements:

"Lyrics advocating violence adversely impact the psyche of young adults resulting in a systematic decay of society."

"No definitive studies exists which demonstrate that violent lyrics alone cause children to act more violently toward others."

The point is that you can go in any direction you want based on your particular thesis statement. It may be better for you to research the subject matter first and then reach a conclusion that you can support based on your research.

Is there an online service that will proofread a research paper for you?

I would just like to have my paper checked for grammar mistakes, and maybe have some suggestions on how to make the paper clearer, or better organized, and stuff like that.

I'm NOT looking for someone to write the paper for me. I'm looking for something legal! And preferably not too expensive.

Is there an online service that will proofread a research paper for you?
Here's one.


What causes white spots on teeth

How do I cite this source I am using for a research paper?

How do I cite this source I am using for a research paper? The web address to the site is: http://www.loyno.edu/history/journal/198...

I took many parts of this website and used it in my research paper. I have the sources/ # for each part of this webpage that I used. Since there are multiple authors and sources how do I put this into a citation? I tried using www.citationmachine.net but I could not figure out what this webpage is considered as for a source.

If someone can help me determine how to site this source for a research paper for I would greatly appreciate it! If I don't cite the sources correctly then my professor will consider my paper to be plagiarized! Help please!

~Nervous College Student

How do I cite this source I am using for a research paper?
Harvard Referencing System to the rescue!!!

For web material...

Author, title of web site/page (italic or underlined), web address or URL, date of publication or last revision, date you accessed the site [in square brackets]


Jan Doherty, Louisiana Black Women: An Ignored History (Italic or underlined), http://www.loyno.edu/history/journal/198... 1985-1986 [30th October 2006]
Reply:Dougherty, Jan, "Loisiana Black Women. Ignored History,"

internet article,http://www.loyno.edu/history/journal/198...


Or something similar.
Reply:since you are a college student i suppose your citing should be more formal.

check this site out, it helps, much easier than me trying to explain it.


What is a good topic for an anthropology research paper?

I am writing a paper for a college credit high school anthropology class and I need a very specific topic that can be properly described in a paper from 8 to 15 pages. I dont want a boring topic that merely describes a particular early hominid species, I need topics that require insight. Thanks!

What is a good topic for an anthropology research paper?
I recently came across the fact that the largest migration of people in the history of the planet is going on right now -- it's the movement from rural to urban areas in China. It is estimated about 200 million people are making this migration to search for jobs and incomes. In some cases it is temporary. In some cases they leave their families home and send money. The cultural implications are huge for the people who are leaving and the urban areas where they are coming.

You can find quite a bit on this topic by googling for it.
Reply:Try this website............www.papers24-7.com/ca... It will give you great ideas for writing your paper. Also try this one www.collegeseniors.net/anthropology_pape...
Reply:What is the relationship between erectus and ergaster; what was the pattern of migration of this species, and to what species did it evolve into if any. There are actually many hypotheses on these, none are completely solid. Make your case by examining the evidence yourself.
Reply:there's a cave somewhere in the middle east (israel i think) where they found different species throughout evolution including Neanderthals, and other bipods, etc.. there's information about many different species through anthropology books about how it's one of the only areas on earth where different species of humans throughout the chain of evolution possibly coexisted at the same time
Reply:The Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA), a federal law passed in 1990, has dramatically changed the practice of anthropology in the US. Human remains in museums and laboratories have been mostly returned and buried, and new discoveries are often reburied without any study at all. A famous case of this was the recent discovery of "Kennewick Man" an ancient body with unusual characteristics that had the potential to rewrite the story of human migration to the Americas. Under NAGPRA, Native Americans sued for custody of the remains, frustrating researchers. Whichever side you take, it's a fascinating subject.

I am doing a research paper. Can somebody tell me when I paraphrase?

My teacher told me to change every 3rd word. Where do I put this in my research paper? Is this where I write the author's name and page number?

I am doing a research paper. Can somebody tell me when I paraphrase?
A paraphrase is just saying what someone else has

said, in your own words.

So read a bit; then imagine you are telling someone

(verbally) about what you just read. Write it down

as you would say it . Then refine it.

You put the reference for the writer you read at the

end of your paraphrase (which is often the end of

a whole paragraph. You do it like this (Jones, 1987, p.6.)

Then you list Jones (and the title of her book or

article) in your page of references, which is at the

end of your whole assignment,
Reply:Hope your assignment goes well :) Report Abuse

Reply:I think you're confusing paraphrasing, plagiarizing and quoting. If you quote an author, you give the author's name just before or after the quote, or you make a foot note. Changing every third word is more like plagiarizing than it is paraphrasing.
Reply:I am glad that you did not give out your teacher's name and etc, she was helping you hide your plagiarizing tracks. You paraphrase when you are taking the idea from someone else, but you put it in your own words. Or state what they said under your understanding without using the statement that they said. At time it may require you to include a name: "Like the great Roman Leader said,"

Paraphrasing comes at the end of each noted quote from any source. Using ( , ) or otherwise.
Reply:I agree with Pandora, however, the most revised version of MLA states that you do not use a comma between the author's name and page number.
Reply:what you need to do is take the information (reference section)you want to use and rewrite it in your own word. through out your whole paper you list your references on your bibliography page at the end of your report. When you want to use a direct quote you should put the source for example the book or encyclopedia and/or author and page in parenthesis at the end of your quote ask your teacher what type they want you to use

Anyone have good sources for a research paper regarding the following tribes?

Waodani NOT Waorani (completely different)

and the

Yanomamo Tribe.

I have a paper due friday and am having difficulties finding reputable sources. They cannot be encyclopedias either.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

Anyone have good sources for a research paper regarding the following tribes?
In regards to the Yanamamo, any book by Napoleon Chagnon could tell you almost anything you want to know about them. I read one of his books for an Anthropology class and it was very informative. You should be able to get his books at any library. I hope this helps and good luck with the paper.
Reply:Try searching Google Scholar


at home teeth whitening

About a research paper, what words I should research in order to get correct result?

the research paper assignment is "is how a product is made or the effect if has on the environment influence or consumers' decision" what words I should research in order to get correct result

About a research paper, what words I should research in order to get correct result?
Are you supposed to look at how a product's environmental effects influence consumers' decisions? If so, you might use "environmental impact consumer decision" as the search phrase. Once you find a source that works, look at the bibliography for others. If you are supposed to look at the environmental impact of a paticular product, you could try "environment impact (chocolate) production" or some such--if you were doing research on chocolate, say.

I am doing a research paper on Fred Thompson and would like to know what the american people think of him.?

I am doing a research paper on Fred Thompson and I would like to know what people think of him. I want to know your true opinion good bad or indifferent. be a specific as you can i want to know his faults and strong points.

I am doing a research paper on Fred Thompson and would like to know what the american people think of him.?
I only know him because of his stint and arguments as a DA with Jack McCoy on Law and Order.
Reply:We think he's a decent actor, largely because he plays characters very like himself. It's good to know one's limitations.

Many of us don't think much of his politics. This just-plain-folks image he promotes doesn't work with wealth and a trophy wife.
Reply:See me after class on Monday.

-your teacher
Reply:of all the candidates, I like him best and consider him the best choice for president. won't get the nomination though

What is a good thesis for a research paper on medieval weapons? It must be something that is argueable. thanks

It is for a high school research paper and the thesis must be argueable.

What is a good thesis for a research paper on medieval weapons? It must be something that is argueable. thanks
you could argue about the social as well as military value of the swoard in medieval times. they were a judge of one's character... see the link below
Reply:no find yo own lol love Markie
Reply:I think possibly the benifits of being bludgeoned ,stabbed, chopped, etc, what would you choose and why?.
Reply:The English longbow ended the supremacy of plate armor cavalry...

How do I start a Research paper for Chemistry?

It's over an element, and I have to research its uses and other topics that do not pertain to the element's chemical or physical properties or appearances. Help?

How do I start a Research paper for Chemistry?
How about phosphorus, the first element discovered in modern times? Also, there is the 'yuck' factor: it was first isolated from urine.

Another good one might be nitrogen. You could discuss nitrogen-fixing bacteria, explosives, and fertilizers (both natural sources and artifical). Make sure you look at the Haber process, named for Fritz Haber. This process allowed for the inexpensive development of artificial fertilizers, causing more food to be grown. The world's population grew very slowly and hit one billion about 1900. Since then, it has gone to 6 billion and is projected to go to 9-10 billion in the next 30 (not sure on that number) years.

Oh yes, the Haber process allowed Germany to make its own explosives for WWI and may have prolonged it by some unknown period of time.

Best wishes with your report.

Primary Teeth

What statistical analyses do I use for my Psych research proposal paper?

I'm writing a psychology research proposal paper on the effect of parental harsh discipline on the development of childhood OCD and i'm totally stuck on what statistical analyses to use. I thought at first to just use a linear regression model or quasi-experimental but I'm not sure that's right. If anyone has advice on how I could test my hypothesis and which analyses to pick I'd REALLY appreciate it, thanks!!!

What statistical analyses do I use for my Psych research proposal paper?
I did a report similar to this in a counseling class. What I did was design a questionnaire for my target group, had them fill it out, and then compiled the data into a report based on my findings.

You might want to do the same. Find a group of parents who have or had children with OCD and design a questionnaire for them. This will serve as an actual statistical analysis and not something you read out of a book. Your instructor may find that to be impressive.
Reply:A good software to use is SPSS, not sure if you have it or not. With the subject matter, linear sounds good - if you need a subject, let me know. I had serious OCD as a kid - we all get into the field for one reason or another ;)

What is appropriate in a research paper?

I'm writing a paper about Mirabai, a medieval hindu poetess. Her biography has been mythologized through the 500+ years since her death and parts of this mythology have been proven to be absolutely false. Is it acceptable to mention those parts?

My sentences would be something like: "It is at this point that the mythology surrounding Mira is found lacking. 17th century historians say that Persian king Akbar met with Mira, but this is not possible since she predates him by nearly 2 decades."

What is appropriate in a research paper?
Of course!

In the course of research, you need to present all relevant data, including the sources and level of credibility you ascribe to each piece of information. Much of this is summarized and implied through your presentation. Make sure you clarify "predates": are you saying she died before he was born, or simply that she's 20 years older? The former is conclusive; the latter is faulty reasoning.
Reply:Cinn, let what excites you in your research guide your thesis. You'll produce much better work.

You also seem to be talking about mythology and historians in the same context, I want to ask, are these 17th century Persian historians? and I am left assuming that Mira has died before Akbar ascended the Persian Throne.

Clean it up Missy.

Literary history is a wonderful thing because it tells you about the mind of the period more than most forms. The layering of legend onto ancient writers is inevitable. Akbar probably made up the story about meeting Mira just like everybody says they went to Woodstock, he had to attach his name to a star.
Reply:Toilet paper
Reply:They make you write about such stuff?.......Gee.......talking about Guantanamo Bay.

How do I start a Research paper for Chemistry?

It's over an element, and I have to research its uses and other topics that do not pertain to the element's chemical or physical properties or appearances. Help?

How do I start a Research paper for Chemistry?
I'd start like any other research paper. Open with an introductory paragraph...describe the element, list it's atomic number and weight, give the properties it has. While this has nothing to do with it's uses, this information gives the reader a base to start from. When writing any paper, but especially a scientific paper, you must assume the reader has no knowledge of the subject, and so you must explain everything and anything about said subject.

After your introduction, start with whatever information you actually need. If you need to find more, I DO NOT suggest wikipedia. That site, while entertaining, and sometimes informational, is edited by users, and you cannot be sure if the accuracy of the information. For an element, try searching scientific journals, or University chemistry websites. These are going to be the most up-to-date and accurate sources.

Good luck!
Reply:type it into yahoo search or wikipedia, you will get a buttload of results for it's uses unless it's something really rare

How to write a research paper???

I need to write a research paper 2-3 pages double spaced on Bill Pickett and Bulldogging for History class, but I have no clue where to begin. Can someone explain to me how to write a research paper which includes footnotes and endnotes.

Thanks I will appreciate the help!

How to write a research paper???
Here is the best clue I can give you. Go buy or check from the library a Modern Language Association handbook. It has every thing about writing a research paper. They also have a web site.



-3 main points


One Body Paragraph-

-topic sentence

-research point


-end sentence

Second Body Paragraph-

(same as first)

Third Body Paragraph-

(same as other two)


wrap up all ideas NO NEW IDEAS!! restate thesis

This is a typical 5 paragraph essay and you may or may not need a thesis. but good luck.

teeth sundance

What is the best approach of starting a research paper?

I've got my sources that I'm going to use and by topic, but the paper has to be 6 pages long. I'm kind of overwhelmed.

What is the best approach of starting a research paper?

Writing a research paper is really an interesting yet overwhelming task. Since you already have your sources ready, your task is more than half done. The entire research paper should be ideally divided into

1. introduction to the topic

2. Detailed body of the paper concentrating on the central theme.

3. Conclusion to your research effort.

Any research is certified good when there are new dimensions to what has been done, i.e. what you are saying is of value of the readers/audience. Try and be illustrative, creative and back your say on the paper with statistics, facts and figures. If your paper is data based, you can use simple statistical techniques like using mean, mode median, averages, correlation etc. to show numerical results as well. Try and keep the launguage as straight and simple as possible to convey the right message.

Wish you good luck...:)
Reply:just begin writing and see what you've got. Afterwards, you can decide if you need to expand on what you do have, get more info, or delete stuff depending on how long your paper is. I had the same fear when I was first told to write a five page paper comparing writing and singing.
Reply:You have your sources and your topic , now what is your thesis and why. Basically what is it about your topic that you want people to believe and for what reasons ( This is your thesis) The rest of the paper is expanding on your reasons using your sources that are credible and back up your point. You then conclude with a summation.
Reply:Make an outline. Type the main points and use your sources to fill in details until you have the 6 pages that you need.
Reply:Well first you have to decide what your focus of the paper is and then you have to have an opening with a thesis, the body of the paper which is where you will put all of the pertinent information and then make sure you have a closing that will leave a good impression.

The thesis statement goes at the end of the first paragraph.

Six pages is nothing. I do that in a few hours, once your research is done. Don't make too much out of it. It is only a paper.
Reply:Do a draft with a nice intro and see where it goes. I can't remember much from my college English class, but I know I got really sweet grades! Be creative!
Reply:research as much as u can and use the sources as bext as u can. 6 pages is nothing, really and remember..euphimisms help in filling up the pages.
Reply:First take all the sources and write your reference section. This will allows you to quickly and easily note the reference next to the appropriate statements. Otherwise it will be a mess later to try to figure out.

Next write down the relevant points that you want to mention from each article and book, with the citation next to the block of information.

The arrange the various points in a logical manner that develops from one concept and leads into the next concept.

Add an introduction, discussion section, and summary, and any other sections required by the instructor, and you are done.

After two masters degrees, I got this process down to a science. No pun intended.
Reply:encarta.com great site for research!!!
Reply:Look at the index of those books to find out what things you want to focus on in your paper. Then, scan the books and as you are finding stuff that you want to include in your research paper write it in notecards (make sure to put the page number and what book it is from the in the notecard). Then get all your notecards together and arrange them by subject. Then start writing your paper off the notecards, after you use a notecard make sure to site (it should be easy because the book and page number will be on the notecard).
Reply:It's good that you've got a topic and sources, now pick them apart and find all the quotes from each of them that fit the topic you are trying to prove. I know it seems like a lot, but it'll make your job so much easier. I usually copy all the useful quotes and paragraphs I want to paraphrase from all my sources onto a separate document, so I have them all in one place and every time I need a quote, I just consult my nice list and pick one that is best suited. Make sure to make notes of what quotes go to what sources, it'll be awful if you don't and have to go find out what quote you got from where.

Go over the main points you want to cover. I personally really don't like outlines, but if you do, make one. Then, just start writing. Everyone has their own style. I really like things to be perfect on the first time, so I know I need to work very strongly against that urge and just spit out a bunch of stuff, even if it doesn't make sense. As soon as you get a thought you want to pursue, write a paragraph for it, you can rearrange later. Even if all you have ends up being 5 straight pages of what you think is just a bunch of mumbo jumbo, the thoughts are there and will eventually connect. You just have to do a lot of trimming and adding to get it just right.

I know this should go without saying, but I've worked with my peers in college, but some of them still don't know - you do not have to include everything that deals with a certain topic all in the same paragraph. You could end up having paragraphs that go on for over a page, and I've read some essays that even have 2 page long paragraphs. Think of your paper in chunks instead of paragraphs. Each chunk can contain a lot of different paragraphs that all have one uniting topic. If you do not write this way naturally, just write those long paragraphs to start with and then organize your thoughts into smaller paragraphs. It is easier to read papers when they are in smaller chunks.

If you've got enough research, this won't be too hard. I had my first 10 page paper due last semester, and I thought I'd never be able to write that much, but once I got started, I ended up with about 13 pages that I loved.

Best of luck.
Reply:Whenever I have a research paper I always start by reading up about it on wikipedia.com. Although wikipedia isn't a legitimate source, it gives me a good idea of what I'm getting myself into and helps me get started on what exactly I want to focus my paper on. Plus wikipedia cites sources at the bottom, so I often end up reading those sources and siting them in my own paper.

Just to reiterate (if you aren't already aware) you should never ever use wikipedia as a source. Your prof will flip a lid. I know a guy who got an F for citing wikipedia. Just use it to get some background info.
Reply:Just strart by doing a rough draft and piece it together.
Reply:Start writing
Reply:Just copy and paste it off the internet.

What are some good topics for an argumentative research paper?

I really need 3 topics for my English class, but I'm having a hard time deciding what they should be. Any suggestions? If you were the one reading the paper, what would interests you? And what new things would you want to learn about it?

What are some good topics for an argumentative research paper?
Euthanasia , death penalty, abortions, sexual discrimination, globalization......are all debatable and hot topics.
Reply:Here are a bunch:

marijuana legalization

Global Warming


Sex Education



Capitol Punishment

Gun Control

Doping in Sports


For more info on all of these and more ideas just go to: http://sks.sirs.com/cgi-bin/hst-portal-d...

You can find articles on the topic and just alot of info for a report.
Reply:Military Drafting: an infringement of our liberties
Reply:drug laws.
Reply:1)De-segregation of public schools versus graduation rates

2)Affirmative action and the plight of minorities

3)Daylight savings time versus energy consumption
Reply:1. Computers: have they made life easier mr more complicated?

2. The better place to raise a child: city or countryside?

3. Global warming: should we be alarmed or not?
Reply:euthanasia (when you kill someone in a coma- look it up) is it good or bad?

should HIV/AIDS be taught to primary schools?

should teenagers be allowed to date?

these are al good topics that you can look up information and statistics on especially euthanasia.
Reply:is morality relative?
Reply:I think a good topic would be Dog Fighting, and how Whoopie Goldberg argues that it is just the way it is in the South. I would argue against her point of view.
Reply:secret illegal prisons

the real source of people using drugs

how much news lie all the time
Reply:drinking age, death penalty
Reply:Just open the news paper or go to CNN and find out what the Hot Buttons Topics are today.

Martial Arts Shoes

How do we do the APA format for a research paper?

I need help to do the APA format for on eof my research papers..it would be the format for a book. Thank-you very much for the help its appreciated!!:)

How do we do the APA format for a research paper?

here is a link that will help you through the process of APA writing. Good luck. If that doesn't work for you I found the book Prentice Hall Reference Guide to Grammar and Usage by Muriel Harris the best one ( I have used it for many types of papers from APA, MLA, Chicago style and so on)


I need to publish my research for my doctorate. How do I get my research paper published by a trade journal?

What are the specific steps in getting my research published by a trade journal. First of all, do I actually need my work to be published even before I apply for a doctorate in finance? I need some help on this matter from people with experience with a doctoral degree.

I need to publish my research for my doctorate. How do I get my research paper published by a trade journal?
Go to your alma matter and discuss with the professors on how to publish your work. Use this as a leverage for your doctoral application.
Reply:submission to a journal or three, they send it back torn to shreds, you re-write it and send it back, they criticize it more and send it back, you re-write it (always do this taking into account everything they say), you re-submit it, they send you a letter of approval and publish it usually sending you a copy of the journal it is published in. You may want to check the journal for length requirements and such as many limit how long your article can be.

Good luck...it is a game to play and you have to play it...

I need help writting a thesis statement for a research paper?

My research paper is on the banning of pit bulls in the United States, which I do not agree with.

I hope some one has any suggestion with a thesis statement.

Thank you

I need help writting a thesis statement for a research paper?
are pit bulls born evil or are they trained to be evil?


does the image of the pit bull actually support its true nature?
Reply:you want to be assertive and not use the words "I think ...." You also want to get straight to the point. Maybe something like "US citizens should keep their right to own pitbulls"
Reply:Darr has given you the best answer so far. To add onto what Darr has said, you should include WHY you think people should be allowed to keep their pit bulls as pets. Generally people come up with about 3 good reasons and then expand on each reason. Your thesis would just list those 3 reasons (or however many you have). This sets up not only the thesis, but the entire paper. It makes organizing it easier. Good luck!
Reply:I think that your teacher would appreciate a divided thesis statement that outlines your reasons for opposing the banning of pit bulls in the United States. I imagine your thesis statement to go something like this:

Banning pit bulls in the United States is unjustified because (reason 1), (reason 2), and (reason 3, if you have more than 2 reasons).

If you're asking for reasons, what comes to mind right now are the followng:

a. Pit bulls, properly cared for, have proven to be able to live harmoniously with people.

b. Banning pit bulls would only result in determined pit bull owners keeping their pit bulls illegally, thus opening the possibility for the mistreatment of unregistered pit bulls, and thus increasing the chances of over-aggressive pit bulls attacking humans.

Good luck! Hope this helps!
Reply:I always like to start my papers out with quotes, they really set the tone for the whole paper and give you something to go with. How about this one?

"Legislation is due, laws are in order, and the situation is out of hand. Let's be sure of our focus. Laws are for humans, not for animals who have no say about the captive environment they must endure." Rod Jones

Sometimes I feel like a fact is great to start a paper out with like this...

Every year 40,000 people die because of car accidents and 3 million people are injured from car crashes. If pit bulls can be banned because from the year 2000 to the year 2005, one hundred people died due to pit bull attacks, shouldn't cars be banned also? They did cause more deaths, injuries, and devastation to families. How does the government have the right to ban an animal, with no free will, when cars are controlled by people, who have control over what can and can't happen?

That's a long one, but you could replace cars with murders. That's an idea! Murder's kill so many people each year and they have the WILL to do something like that. They know what they're doing, unlike pit bulls. Hope these ideas spark some ideas in you! Good luck!

Reply:I am NOT a lawyer and I can NOT give you legal advice.

Ok. So you're against banning pit bulls in the US. There are reasons for and against your position. Regardlessof your position, you need to know about "Dianne Whipple". Google it. This is where this movement got going. A dog (ironically not a pit bull) killed a lady in San Francisco. There was a big trial and a lot of publicity. Since what happens in Northern California has a strong influence on policy in the rest of the country, a lot of jurisdictions started thinking about this issue.

Best of luck on your paper.

What are some interesting research paper topics for an 8th grader?

Please help.

Some things that interest me are:




Please list some topics that would be interesting for an 8th grade research project.

What are some interesting research paper topics for an 8th grader?
Ask a question to yourself and then try to find the answer and research it
Reply:This is a difficult question to answer although starting with your three areas of interest is helpful. A next step could be to explore a specific context such as:Golf, the history of minority involvement in the game, etc., (you see where this is going)

My only advice as to exploring the specific context of the question is to focus again on your interests or more importantly, focus on an area that has spoken to you in the past, draw on some personal experience that made you curious, interested, happy, joyful, sad.

The reason for my answer is my own experience in trying to develope a topic for a research paper as a Freshman in college 20 years ago. I love world history and events and wasn't sure what to focus on. I then remembered how a friend of mine reacted to the news that Indira Ghandi, (the longtime President of India) was assissinated. When I heard the news I was just thinking, wow that's going to be trouble, but when I met him it was the same experience as when JFK had been assissinated, he was visibly upset. This realization was the key because his reaction spoke to me and I then knew I my topic.

I hope this helps.
Reply:why not research a country?!

They were always my favorite research projects at school!!

Reply:...god its good to be back....anyways back to your question.

well you could always research your favorite breed of dog. my personal favorite is the rottweiler. you could pick an electronic device and research the history of it. golf...im not too keen on that but you could pick a golfer you like and look at his/her auto/biography and write a paper on them. or foods you like. i love coffee. maybe pick a favorite mythical creature or greek god to study. the greek gods are very interesting to me. anyways have fun with it!!! let me know what you picked and maybe i can help you out alittle!! good luck!!


Will you help me pick a topic for a research paper?

It can be any topic dealing with human sexuality and reproduction. It is for a biology class.

I had been thinking about writing a paper about the HPV vaccine...what do you think? I'm not sure that this is the topic I want to research though...need ideas! Thank you!

Will you help me pick a topic for a research paper?
HPV would be a very interesting topic for your paper. Also things that would be interesting would be something like birth control pills, or the 'day after' pill. If you're looking for something less... embroiled in ethics, you could do a paper on twins, STDs, or hormonal sex organ development. It's an interesting field. :) Good luck.
Reply:you can say the Genital HPV prevalence in the United States and you can start going on with the rest. or you can call it the HPV lifecycle..or Cutaneous HPVs
Reply:You can research if being gay is something that someone is born (genetic), or if it's a learned behavior.
Reply:I think the HPV vaccine Gardasil would be a great topic it's new and theirs lots of information for your paper. Another subject you could consider is the IUD contraception their are two different types that work very differently.

In a research paper, when is it okay to not "cite"?

I'm working on a research paper for school, and I am wondering if I have to cite everything I find even though it may not be direct qoutes or excerpts (my own conclusions based on the data available to me.) Also, do I have to find supporting evidence for something that any reasonable person would think is 'common sense' (ie. reading helps comprehension?)

In a research paper, when is it okay to not "cite"?
According to my old professors, you need to cite every statement you make which is not "common knowledge" - i.e. you do not need to cite the fac that the sky is blue, but if you suggest a reason *why* it's blue, you will need to cite that. Common sense and common knowledge are not the same, so I would probably cite the reading thing to be safe. And FYI from a reading teacher, reading only counts are reading if you *are* comprehending it. Otherwise you're just decoding words. :)
Reply:All direct quotes, excerpts, summarizations and paraphrases must be cited in your "works cited" page and/or footnotes.
Reply:If it's something that MOST people would already know, you don't have to cite. But if you think something because of information that someone gave you, you're using their ideas, so you DO need to cite them.

http://www.citationmachine.net is a great website that will help you do citations easily!

Good luck!
Reply:Anything that is direct qoute from any source needs to be cited. If you read something and the summarize the source you could still say somthing like...accouding to the New York Times...etc..

You may not need to find support evidence common sense stuff, but consider that what you think is common sense may not be to someone else. If you can find supporting evidence it will only serve to make your point stronger.

How do I know what research design to use on a Psychology research paper?

I am writing a research proposal comparing the IQ of two different groups. There is no intervention or treatment, just comparing the groups as is...ANY help, as soon as possible would be GREATLY appreciated!

How do I know what research design to use on a Psychology research paper?
Such psychological research would most likely require surveying (to obtain demographical data to aid in developing conclusions on the two groups' similarities and differences) and testing to determine their actual IQ. I imagine this could include using experimental procedures to test IQ, but the more traditional approach to testing IQ is using the appropriate test to survey the two groups.
Reply:Use the APA format and the design would depend on what kind of methodology you are using to collect the data. I like the feminist methodology because generally with psychology I like to be at the same level as the people I am interviewing or polling. I find that I collect more data that is honest and not contrived. Try quantitative as they may be easier to gather the initial findings needed to do a comparison.

Need help starting a research paper?

I am writing a research paper on how rap lyrics generally affect society in a negative way. I need a primary source to base my paper on, what would be a good, solid primary source to make this a good paper?


Need help starting a research paper?
uh get rap songs which have bad stuff in them..
Reply:i highly doubt you'll find that information anywhere as the suggestion that rap lyrics generally affect society in a negative way is basically wrong but more importantly, it is pretty damn untestable. i highly suggest that you find a new topic to do research on, because gathering information that is anything more than opinions will be incredibly difficult. good luck

skin itching

What is a good controversial bioethical issue for a research paper?

I have to come up with a research proposal by monday, and I still haven't figure out what I want to research on for the whole term...currently, I'm thinking of doing a research on the controversy against separating siamese twins. Any ideas?

What is a good controversial bioethical issue for a research paper?
Do consumers have the right to know if food products (ex: fruit/vegetables) they are buying have been genetically modified in any way?
Reply:should aids patients be alowed to enter other countries.?
Reply:stem cell research

genetic manipulation

human cloning

medical research studies
Reply:Human cloning
Reply:There are a lot of good issues like a woman's place in the military or does living together before marriage really help prevent the rising divorce rate? Or how about the our court system conviction on "reasonable doubt" without viable evidence to back up the charge.

What can be a good topic for my research paper related to hotel and restaurant management?

Please, can anyone help me. I can't think due to stress. I need a secondary research; survey and interview. The topic should related to my course. Hotel and Restaurant management.

What can be a good topic for my research paper related to hotel and restaurant management?
Yes, especially if it is on the menu.
Reply:It may be useful to think about the following basic points of view to find an interesting topic:

* which kind of "action" or "function" in hotels or restaurants seems especially interesting to you?

* who is/are usually responsible for it?

* for whom it is done / who needs the results of this activity?

* where it is usually done?

* when it is usually done?

* how can one define the quality of this action?

I think that these questions may help you to find and formulate your research paper topic because they reveal some general viewpoints which you can then "fill in" based on your own preferences.
Reply:hummm its kinda hard lol:P

The world of hotels and restaurants.



How to start a research paper?

How should a research paper about polar bears be started. I'm having a really tough time coming up with the first line.


How to start a research paper?

Research paper over full metal jacket, I need help on SYMBOLS that are used in the movie, please help?

I have a research paper due on thursday over the movie Full Metal Jacket. I really need help with themes, music and symbols used in the movie. To my understanding symbols are whats assumed and what they dont say.. Im pretty much clueless and have everything done except this paragraph, please help

Research paper over full metal jacket, I need help on SYMBOLS that are used in the movie, please help?
i think that Gny. Sgt. Hartman symbolizes the old military and when Leonard 'Private Pyle' Pratt kills him it symbolizes the death of the old military.
Reply:Get with someone who has been in the military because all that stuff has to do with military history and traditions. I was in the mil, but I haven't watched it in forever. You can take that one scene where they are in vietnam and the guy steels the americans camera and tell about how it shows the oppression these people were under. The guy commiting suicide was a symbol of the stress everyone was under to fit in-

adult teeth

What is a good topic for a research paper???

I have to write a 750-1000 word research paper. My teacher said that breast cancer is to broad. I am having a hard time coming up with a topic that is narrow enough for that amount of words. any ideas?

What is a good topic for a research paper???
Here's a huge list of possible topics. Pick one that interests you most (as you'll write the best paper that way). Each link goes to a page with selected books and articles on the subject, all of which are available online through Questia.

Good luck!

How do you start a research paper about global warming?

What do I include in the paper?

How do you start a research paper about global warming?
I would ask "What happened to the glaciers in Oklahoma."

The earth has experienced over fifty Ice Ages. Naturally following, it experienced at least fifty global warming episodes. Did the Woolly Mammoths have SUVs and did the cave dwelling humans use fossil fueled power plants that caused the earth to warm and melt the glaciers? Be careful, there are Nazis everywhere.

How's that for a start?
Reply:make it seem an urgent topic that needs to be addressed (and it is!) talk about rise in levels of CO2, VOCs, and all that good stuff.
Reply:start out with a cute little story or a major thing that happened. try to write it in first person ( I ) A lot interesting for people to hear it from your veiw
Reply:include the fleecing of the US Dollar via tax money to fund a propaganda that doesn't solve the problem.
Reply:You could start researching about bad effects of global warming like e.g global warming is when the ice is starting to melt and the water level is increasing.....
Reply:it's a myth
Reply:You could start by saying the effects of global cooling have totally debunked the global warming scam.
Reply:Begin with a brief summary of the climate expert's 'Ice Age scare' of the 1970's.

Then go on to discuss how climate experts have now embraced a new %26amp; improved 'scare-issue'.
Reply:first paragraph: tell them what youre gonna tell them

body: tell them

conclusion: tell em what you told em
Reply:formulate an argument and a thesis

I need help choosing a topic for my research paper. The topic is technology controversies?

I think I'm going to do mine on either artificial inelegance or things like stem cell research. I'm leaning more towards artificial intelligence.

Does anyone know of any sites where I could start looking these things up?

These are kind of the guidelines:

In your research and reading, be sure to analyze the controversial or divisive nature of each topic. Are there deeper ethical, legal or constitutional questions underlying these debates?

I need help choosing a topic for my research paper. The topic is technology controversies?
i did a bit of digging online and i think your best bet would be to check out some old newspaper articles. many big newspapers have their archives online now. i also found a few interesting articles and websites which might be of some assistance. the first is a really neat article, the second a great resource, and after that are a couple of newspaper searches

the truth is that we have yet to come up with an artificial intelligence that is self aware. most of the major controversial issues are based on what ifs. of course that is what makes them so interesting to debate.


Great sites about cells



Both sites have good info about the human brain



They are great sites on DNA
Reply:You should go for artificial intelligence . And for this you can check out artificial intelligence wikipedia . It would surely gonna help you . best of luck .
Reply:Know about Technology



Help finding a research paper topic? Can be about anything?

I have to write a research paper for my English class. My professor said it can be about anything... I really have no idea what topic to research. Any suggestions?

Help finding a research paper topic? Can be about anything?
I love these kinds of projects!! Here are some ideas for you, I have starred the ones I have done projects on. I can give you sources and tons of information for those if you want any help.

- Couvade (male pregnancy) this has a historical and modern component, very few people know about it and it is very interesting ***

- Bob Marley (artist of the century) His album Exodus (album of the century - TIME magazine). He had an incredibly interesting life and a legacy that lives on. As a sub project you could research...***

-Rastafarianism (religion that originated in Jamaica) I did a lot of research for this when I wrote about Bob Marley and its fascinating. There are lots of interesting books. ***

-Childhood vaccination controversy (I wrote about HPV "Gardasil")***

-Bad Religion/Epitaph Records (I wrote about what it means to "sell out" as a band and explored whether or not a band can "un-sell out"***

- Bob Dylan as the "voice of a generation" something he became but vehemently did not want to be.***

-Drug use among touring musicians***

-Every 15 Minutes (the drunk driving prevention program for high schoolers)***

-Waldorf Astoria hotel in NYC but that was pretty boring***

-I am just starting to do research on how the institution of tourism is affected by the changes in discourses concerning family, specifically "non-normative" families (single parent, same sex parents, grandparents, etc). I'll be working on this for the next year for my senior honors thesis.

And now some topics I would like to research some day or have considered writing about, with links for your convenience:

-Underwater Japanese Pyramids/Yonaguni Monument



-Prison/Correctional Education opportunities for inmates



-Safe Injection Sites (supervised IV drug use) controversy




-Psychology behind Kitty Genovese's death in 1964, "diffusion of responsibility" or the "bystander effect"





-Vending Machines in Japan (Japan has the highest number of vending machines per capita, with about one machine for every 23 people.) You would be able to include photos/pictures if you did this research project which is always a nice touch. The vending machine situation over there is mind boggling!!



My best advice is to research something you find interesting. You will enjoy the assignment more and will write better as a result! Do something unique, do something that you know for a fact your teach will not have read a paper on before. Your teacher will enjoy reading it more and will probably give you a better grade. The last thing they want to read about is abortion, besides, that is such a broad topic you will never do it justice in a short research paper. I hope some of my suggestions inspire you. Have fun with it! Good luck!
Reply:Abortion, Animal Rights, whatever. A controversial type of topic should help fill out your paper.

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How do a professor or Instructor find out if you copied a person research paper?

I wanted to find out how do instructors find out if you copied someone research paper throught websites like Turnit.com or other similar websites. What if the other student went to another University or school will they still find out?

How do a professor or Instructor find out if you copied a person research paper?
Well, first of all, a good professor has a feel for the level of your writing and how you express yourself. If what you turn in varies from that, it will raise suspicion. IF the professor becomes suspicious, key phrases from the paper can be inserted into a search engine and the paper can frequently be found. (They ARE online, after all.) Best to do your OWN work.
Reply:Yes. Turnitin.com does not just look at what has been turned in previously at YOUR school.
Reply:turnitin.com matches your paper with papers turned in from all of its users along with websites.
Reply:Turnitin claims to check your paper against all this:

Over 12 Billion Web Pages • Crawled

Over 40 Million Student Papers•

Over 10,000 Major Newspapers, • Magazines %26amp; Scholarly Journals

Thousands Of Books Including • Literary Classics

I couldn't find it on their website, but they formerly said they used the ProQuest line of databases to match against newspapers, magazines, and journals.

It's really a powerful system. Even if your school doesn't use Turnitin, a teacher can do a free search by copying and pasting sentences from your paper into Google. That will catch plagiarizing from freely-available websites.

Bottom line: Just do the paper yourself. Pick a topic that's interesting to you. You'll learn a lot about research. Ask a librarian for help finding information for your paper. You might as well get some education, since you're going to school. ;-)

Do you know of anywhere on the web I can sumbit an undergraduate research paper to be critiqued?

I'm a senior undergrad student writing a 20 page research paper for my final senior semester. I want to finish with a *great* paper. Do you know of anywhere on the web that offers a writing lab, or allows students to submit their papers for critiquing and constructive criticism? My University offers this option, but it is closed for the summer. I don't need any help writing the paper, just proofreading and making sure it makes sense to someone other than myself. Thanks so much for any help you can provide! Have a great day! :)

Do you know of anywhere on the web I can sumbit an undergraduate research paper to be critiqued?
You're in luck. :D I do that all the time for my friends. Email me @ amandad . writer @ gmail . com

What are some good research paper topics for totalitarianism?

I have to write a paper for english about totalitarianism. It has to be five pages and has to have a thesis statement. Does anyone know any good topics that I can use that will be five pages about totalitarianism?

Thanks in advanced.

All answers are greatly appericated.

What are some good research paper topics for totalitarianism?
I'd stay away from the obvious Hitler and Stalin. I'm sure your teacher will have MORE than enough of them. How about looking into Pol Pot and the Killing Fields of Cambodia? You can then talk about the results of a totalitarian regime.

Good luck.
Reply:I know that the book "1984" by George Orwell deals with totalitarianism. It's a great book. You might want to use that as an example. (You could always look on sparknotes.com if you don't want to read the whole thing or don't have time.)

Also, if you don't have a specific prompt, a fun thing to do sometimes is to argue FOR totalitarianism instead of against. :) Makes for a paper that stands out from the others, and if you support your ideas well, you'll get a good grade for it too.

Looking for info for college research paper?

I am doing a research paper for college I need Informatin on Groth Regulators, Plant Propigation, Rootings and tissue, Hormidone 123 and Hormex

Looking for info for college research paper?
Right lets see if this helps .........


4x + 4y = -12

-2x + 3y = 14

Double the second equation and add:

4x + 4y = -12

-4x + 6y = 28

10y = 16

y = 16/10

y = 8/5

Then solve for x:

x + (8/5) = -3

x = -3 - 8/5

x = -4 3/5


3x + 2y = 5

2x - 3y = 3

Multiply the top by 2 and the bottom by 3, then subtract:

6x + 4y = 10

6x - 9y = 9

13y = 1

y = 1/13

Then solve for x:

3x + 2(1/13) = 5

3x + 2/13 = 5

3x = 63/13

x = 21/13

x = 1 8/13

2 points to me, that helps ha ah ha ha

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I need help with a research paper i am writing help me and you’ll get 10 pts?

I have to write a research paper on this topic:

How galileos position had evolved (or how the churchs position had evolved) by the time Galileo agreed to the chruchys demands regarding his theories on the position of the earth in the universe.

I need you to give me a short answer to that question

I need help with a research paper i am writing help me and you’ll get 10 pts?
have you googled this? because even for me to understand it I would have to google it to know what the heck the question is even asking. yep I am stupid. okay I am not stupid I take that back.... just not educated in this topic....

So my answer is to go to google and do some research... don't depend on us to answer it for you

Does anyone know where I can get information on internet spam? I need it for a research paper?

I need information for my Composition research paper. I need it immediately.

Does anyone know where I can get information on internet spam? I need it for a research paper?
Try the anti spam research group -

Reply:What kind of information? There are tons about it.

Do you need information on the TOP known spammers?

Then read this site:


(80% of the spam you receive are from the top 200 spammers on that list).

What is "spam" ?


How do DNSBLs (Blocklists) work:


Difference between spam (no permission) and mailing lists (with permission):


Top categories of spam for 2005 (aug):


IS their a website that actual write a research paper for you and the only thing you do is give them the topic

I need someone to write a research paper for me. Is their a website that will do that for me if I just give them the topic? The topic is Abortion and is it a right or murder?

IS their a website that actual write a research paper for you and the only thing you do is give them the topic
Yeah you can do that. Teachers are getting very good at catching these papers. You can be kicked out of school for using one. Don't risk it.
Reply:Yes, there are such websites but you have to pay them per page. Why don't you just write your own paper? Come on use your noodle once in a while. LMAO
Reply:Why don't you write and research your own paper. You might learn something other than plagiarizing.
Reply:do it your self, or else...
Reply:Ya, go to www.library.gov It's hella kick ***.

By the way, if you plan to take a paper that's already online, most teachers search a random sentence from a stolen paper online, which usually brings up the website containing the stolen paper, which results in your suspension. Have a nice day.
Reply:there are many websites like that but be prepared to hand out some money.
Reply:yep google term papers...it is like 15-30 per page

I'm writing a research paper on vegetarianism any thesis ideas?

I am writing a research paper. I want to do it on vegetarianism. My teacher said the thesis has to "prove something." I have no idea how to word my thesis question so that it is what I want to do, and what she wants to hear. Any ideas??

I'm writing a research paper on vegetarianism any thesis ideas?
You can determine is vegetarians are healthier than other people.
Reply:Maybe a comparison of vegetarians vs. vegans?There exists evidence that humans are designed for the consumption of meat (i.e. we produce hydrochloric acid, herbivores don't produce this). Also, strict vegan diets are supposedly harmful because they lack essential nutrients.
Reply:If you want to prove something, you should proabably show the health benefits of being a vegetarian

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Friday, July 16, 2010

Need a topic for my interest groups class final research paper. Can anyone help me out?

need a topic for my interest groups class final research paper. Can anyone help me out?

I'm interested in environmental policy, specifically global warming/climate change issues. The paper is due mid-May and has to be about 20-25 pages, so it has to be something I can easily find data for and write.

I am totally running blank. PLEASE HELP!!

Need a topic for my interest groups class final research paper. Can anyone help me out?

You can aslo type in your search engine [google] "research paper themes" and lots of sites will come up.

click on the above blue link. It's all about global warming papers.